You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
— Dr. Jane Goodall

Mrs. Rand’s classes Upcoming Events & Reminders:

  • Welcome to Middle School at St. Norbert!

  • Picture Day is September 12.

  • Crusader Team Challenge is October 4!

Meet Mrs. Annemarie Rand

Hello, I’m Mrs. Rand! I’m the 6th grade Homeroom and Religion teacher and I also teach Middle School Science and the Nature Appreciation electives.

I’ve been a teacher at St. Norbert School for 34 years. I guess you can say I love it here! I have an intense love of nature which I try to instill in my students. Many times, I will give them the advice my grandmother gave to me which was: “Get outside and look up close at things in the natural world. Nature doesn’t disappoint!”

I’m an avid birder and have been since childhood. I love to study birds and their behavior. For the last 25 years and counting, I have been the bird monitor for two parks on the north side of Chicago for Audubon-Great Lakes (formerly known as Audubon, Chicago Region). Ornithologists and amateur birders all over the world have access to this data. I love putting the data I gather to great scientific use!

Besides birding, I also have a passion for horses. I have owned four horses in my lifetime and am now working with and riding a friend’s Quarter Horse mare. Being around horses is both challenging and relaxing, and I spend a lot of my weekends and school holidays riding.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions throughout the school year. My contact information is below.

Here’s to a great year!

Contact Information:

Contact Mrs. Rand:

Mrs. Rand’s classes Homework:

September 16, 2024

6th Religion:

6th Science: Great discussion today!

7th Science: Complete IN pp. 32,33,34,35

8th Science: BRING ANY ITEMS from home that you need to make the final product! This model needs to look a lot better than just blue paper and masking tape. You were given instruction in class that this must look polished and professional. Complete IN pp. 53,54.

Nature Appreciation-Fall: Please look around at home and bring things that may work for making our scarecrows!

September 13, 2024

6th Religion:

6th Science: Complete IN pp. 25,read & annotate B1-B3,27.

7th Science: Complete IN pp. 31,top of 32 and top of 33.

8th Science: Work on your Energy capturing design. Bring any items from home that you need to make the final product!

Nature Appreciation-Fall: Please look around at home and bring things that may work for making our scarecrows!

September 12, 2024

6th Religion: Read pp. 1-6. Do pp. 3,6.

FOR ALL ADVISORY GROUPS: bring in a photo of something joyful you’ve done in the past 6 months. This is due on Friday!

6th Science: Complete IN pp. 18,19,20,21,22.

7th Science: Complete IN pp. 25,26,27,28,29.

8th Science: Complete IN pp. 49,51.

Nature Appreciation-Fall:

September 11, 2024

6th Religion:

FOR ALL ADVISORY GROUPS: bring in a photo of something joyful you’ve done in the past 6 months. This is due on Friday!

6th Science: In the IN, read & annotate pp. A1-A4. Do p. 16

7th Science: Complete pp. 20, read & annotate B1-B2,22,23

8th Science: Complete IN pp. 46,Read & annotate your “C page” article about an energy capturing invention,47,48

Nature Appreciation-Fall:

September 10, 2024

6th Religion: Read pp. K4-K7. Do pp. K5,K6,K7,K9.

FOR ALL ADVISORY GROUPS: bring in a photo of something joyful you’ve done in the past 6 months. This is due on Friday!

6th Science: Complete IN pp. 13,14,15. Do the Check Your Understanding paper for the Science World article: “Are You Drinking Plastic?” The article and worksheet(s) are in Google Classroom.

7th Science: Complete IN pp. 15,16

8th Science: Complete IN pp. 40,41,42,read & annotate C1-C2 Hand-crank Flashlights article,43.

Nature Appreciation-Fall:

September 9, 2024

6th Religion: In the Religion book, read pp. K1-K3 and complete p. K3. On that page, you have permission to use “text speak”!

FOR ALL ADVISORY GROUPS: bring in a photo of something joyful you’ve done in the past 6 months. This is due on Friday!

6th Science: Complete IN pp. 11,12

7th Science: Complete the Plastic Trash worksheet(s) from Science World. They are in Google Classroom along with the article. Complete IN p. 14

8th Science: Complete IN pp. 35,36,read & annotate B1-B2,37,39

Nature Appreciation-Fall:

September 6, 2024

6th Religion: Today we corrected the Religion Pre-Test.

6th Science: Complete IN pp. 8,9. We also did some Science IXL today.

7th Science: Today, we read the Science World article “Are You Drinking Plastic?” and did 2 sheets that go along with the article. They ARE in Google Classroom so if you were absent, you can access them there. *I will give you 10 minutes to complete the sheet with the graph on it in class on Monday.

8th Science: Today, we read the Science World article “Are You Drinking Plastic?” and did 2 sheets that go along with the article. They ARE in Google Classroom so if you were absent, you can access them there.

Nature Appreciation-Fall: Make sure to put your Outdoor Terrarium in a sunny window!

More Resources:

Below is a website for students to explore for more practice.