After School Activities & Extracurriculars

St. Norbert School offers an array of after school activities and extracurriculars for all our students from preschool – 8th grade. Our clubs and activities are often initiated by student needs and interest. So each year our selection of activities may change based on staff expertise and student interest. Below is a list of examples of reoccurring activities we offer. There truly is something for everyone!


All half day preschool students have the opportunity to take part in Young Rembrandts as an after-school activity on Wednesdays. Young Rembrandts drawing classes offer a unique curriculum that engages both sides of your child’s brain. This brain-based learning method lends itself to the complete education and development of modern minds.

All five-day, morning preschool students have the opportunity to take part in lunch bunch every Monday and Friday. This program allows young children to extend their morning fun by an hour by enjoying our playground equipment and eating lunch with the other full day students.



The Fitness, Faith & Fun Club is designed to introduce the importance of healthy habits and positive body image to young children. Each session will include a fitness activity, educational project, service project, journal entries and a healthy snack. This club is open to all preK-5th grade students.


Tiny Chefs is designed to teach children some of the most important facts in healthy eating as well as basic skills in an everyday kitchen. Tiny chefs is open to students in PreK4 – 5th grade.      

4th–8th GRADE


Students in grades 4 – 8 are invited to develop their chess skills through this after-school enrichment program. Chess club is open to all skill levels from absolute beginner to budding Grandmaster.

MATH TUTORING: We are pleased to offer free math tutoring once a week for all middle school students. Led by our middle school math teachers, kids have the opportunity to stay after school and receive help in any pertinent topic for that specific child.


Middle School students are invited to lead the Green Team. The Green Team seeks to educate all school students and families about ways to reduce, reuse and recycle resources and inspire us to take action to preserve and care for God’s beautiful Earth.


We are pleased to offer students in 4th – 8th grade the option to participate in band. Led by our music teacher, students can choose from the following by grade:

  • 4th grade: Beginning band – students learn how to play an instrument and notation

  • 5th grade: Junior band – students expand on the skills learned in beginning band

  • 6th – 8th grade: Senior band – students work towards furthering their musicianship


 Daisy, Brownie, and Junior troops are offered at many of the Kindergarten to 5th grade levels. These troops are formed by parents at each grade level. Girls in grades 6th - 8th may join the Village of Northbrook Cadette/Senior troop which meets every other Friday at Village Presbyterian Church. This troop is made of girls in grades 6 - 12 from area schools. For more information on Girl Scouting opportunities, contact Beverley Great (


BSA Troop 64 is chartered by the St. Norbert’s Men’s Club, and is made up of boys and girls aged 11 to 18. The troop has approximately 60 scouts in its ranks from many different Junior Highs and High Schools in the Northbrook area. (In addition, there is also a Venture Crew for ages 14 to 21, that focuses on high adventure activities.) The troop currently meets every Monday (except the 3rd Monday of the month is committee only) from 7 to 8 pm in the church basement. The scout troop is very involved in volunteer activities as well as camping and outdoor adventures. For more information contact Marc Elberts, Committee Chair, at



Students in 5th – 8th grade are invited to take part in the student council. Group of 14 members that are elected to positions broken down between class reps and government. Leadership opportunities, mentoring younger students like peer groups, helping to build community and school morale, service projects, celebrate seniors within the parish.



Students in 6th – 8th Grade are invited to test their knowledge in competitions between other middle schools in the area. Competitions take place annually at Loyola Academy, St. Viator College Prep, Notre Dame College Prep, Northwestern U, and Barrington Middle School. Students meet weekly during a lunch period to hone their skills in preparation for the next competition.