SNS Golf Outing

SNS Golf Outing

One of the school’s primary fundraisers, the St. Norbert School Invitational will be held on Thursday, September 19th @ 3PM.  Returning to the Glencoe Golf Club for the fourth year, this annual event attracts school parents, alumni, friends and parishioners.  The tournament is a scramble, with several opportunities to win prizes for the longest drive, hole in one and closest to the pin.  The day concludes with a dinner buffet and awards ceremony.

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Organized by the SNS Student Council, Variaday takes place on the last Friday of every month. Students are able to be out of uniform for a 50 cent* donation to SNS & Holy Cross Food Pantries.

*Students can donate 50 cents each Variaday, or a one time donation $5 to cover the whole year.

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Crusader Team Challenge!

Crusader Team Challenge!

The Crusader Team Challenge (CTC) is the school’s biggest fundraiser of the year. This year it will be held on Friday, October 4th. CTC showcases what makes St. Norbert School exceptional.  Cross-grade level teams compete in team challenges while parents, teachers, and community members cheer them on. Funds raised support school programming, athletics, and general school/parish operations.

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High School Visits (7th & 8th Grade)

Students in 7th and 8th grade will have an opportunity to listen to presentations from the following private high schools: Woodlands Academy, Regina Dominican, Saint Viator High School, Notre Dame College Preparatory School, and Loyola Academy.

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School Dismissed @ 11:30AM (K-8 Parent Teacher Conferences)

School Dismissed @ 11:30AM (K-8 Parent Teacher Conferences)

Each year we conduct early conferences so parents have an opportunity to talk with teachers about the best ways to support their child(ren)’s development.  Conferences are scheduled via an online scheduling system that will be emailed to each family sometime in late September, landing near the middle of the first Trimester. The Fall 2024 Conferences will take place on Thursday, October 10th.

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Organized by the SNS Student Council, Variaday takes place on the last Friday of every month. Students are able to be out of uniform for a 50 cent* donation to SNS & Holy Cross Food Pantries.

*Students can donate 50 cents each Variaday, or a one time donation $5 to cover the whole year.

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Happy Halloween Crusaders! Each year our preschool – 8th grade students participate in a Halloween Parade.  Students put their costumes on during the day and then take a lap around the school building.  Parents and community members are invited to view the parade. Details will be sent out to families closer to the event. 

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The Bash

The Bash

The St. Norbert and Our Lady of the Brook Bash is a night of food, drink, and entertainment. The Bash is our Parish’s largest fundraising event and is hosted by the school, Faith Formation, Women’s and Men’s Club, and Parish and Finance Council. Silent and live auctions, as well as raffles, add to the fun and financial success of the evening.  The entire Parish is invited to attend this event. Proceeds go to both the Parish and the School.

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Organized by the SNS Student Council, Variaday takes place on the last Friday of every month. Students are able to be out of uniform for a 50 cent* donation to SNS & Holy Cross Food Pantries.

*Students can donate 50 cents each Variaday, or a one time donation $5 to cover the whole year.

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Grandparents/VIP Day

Grandparents/VIP Day

Every year we celebrate the important role grandparents play in our students’ lives by hosting a Grandparents/VIP Day event. The morning begins with an All-School Mass. Following Mass, our Home & School Association hosts grandparents/VIPs in the school gym for coffee and pastries.  Then, grandparents/VIPs have the opportunity to visit the classrooms. Invitations are sent home with each child so they can personally invite their grandparent(s) or VIP to the special event. 

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Organized by the SNS Student Council, Variaday takes place on the last Friday of every month. Students are able to be out of uniform for a 50 cent* donation to SNS & Holy Cross Food Pantries.

*Students can donate 50 cents each Variaday, or a one time donation $5 to cover the whole year.

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First Reconciliation

First Reconciliation

Second grade students make their First Reconciliation in January.  Sacramental preparation takes place during religion classes throughout the year. This year First Reconciliation will be held on January 25th at 1:30pm.

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Catholic Schools Week!

Catholic Schools Week!

Catholic Schools Week is a national celebration of Catholic education. The week begins with a Mass celebrating St. Norbert School families and advances to celebrate all other members of our school and parish community.  Special events include: Enrichment classes, Talent Show, Service Projects, and more!

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Catholic Schools Week!

Catholic Schools Week!

Catholic Schools Week is a national celebration of Catholic education. The week begins with a Mass celebrating St. Norbert School families and advances to celebrate all other members of our school and parish community.  Special events include: Enrichment classes, Talent Show, Service Projects, and more!

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Catholic Schools Week!

Catholic Schools Week!

Catholic Schools Week is a national celebration of Catholic education. The week begins with a Mass celebrating St. Norbert School families and advances to celebrate all other members of our school and parish community.  Special events include: Enrichment classes, Talent Show, Service Projects, and more!

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Catholic Schools Week!

Catholic Schools Week!

Catholic Schools Week is a national celebration of Catholic education. The week begins with a Mass celebrating St. Norbert School families and advances to celebrate all other members of our school and parish community.  Special events include: Enrichment classes, Talent Show, Service Projects, and more!

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Organized by the SNS Student Council, Variaday takes place on the last Friday of every month. Students are able to be out of uniform for a 50 cent* donation to SNS & Holy Cross Food Pantries.

*Students can donate 50 cents each Variaday, or a one time donation $5 to cover the whole year.

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Daddy Daughter Dance

Daddy Daughter Dance

St. Norbert School and Parish girls and their dads (or VIPs) gather for a night of dancing, camaraderie, and fun. The 2025 Daddy Daughter Dance will be held Saturday, February 8th. 

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Mom and Son Event

Mom and Son Event

St. Norbert School and Parish boys and their moms (or VIPs) gather for an afternoon of energy-expending fun. Past events have included trampoline parks and bowling alleys. The 2025 Mother Son Event will be held Saturday, February 22nd. 

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Poetry Fest

Poetry Fest

Poetry Fest is a time honored St. Norbert tradition for our 7th and 8th graders. Every year, 7th graders select, memorize, and perform a famous poem of their choosing. These poems cover all types of authors from Shel Silverstein to Shakespeare. The 8th graders do the same but with monologues or speeches taken from famous Historical Figures, movies, books, or popular shows. It is an incredibly special night to honor the arts! This year’s Poetry Fest will be held in the gym, on Thursday, February 27th.

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Organized by the SNS Student Council, Variaday takes place on the last Friday of every month. Students are able to be out of uniform for a 50 cent* donation to SNS & Holy Cross Food Pantries.

*Students can donate 50 cents each Variaday, or a one time donation $5 to cover the whole year.

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School Dismissed @ 11:30AM (K-8 Parent Teacher Conferences)

School Dismissed @ 11:30AM (K-8 Parent Teacher Conferences)

Each year we conduct a second round of  conferences so parents have an opportunity to talk with teachers about the best ways to support their child(ren)’s development. Conferences are scheduled via an online scheduling system that will be emailed to each family sometime in late February, landing near the middle of the second Trimester. Typically, this round of conferences is teacher initiated, however, parents can schedule a conference without a teacher request. The Spring 2025 Conferences will be held Thursday, March 6th.

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Roundball Tournament
to Mar 11

Roundball Tournament

This basketball tournament features both a boy’s and a girl’s bracket of 4th - 8th graders. The Athletic Director, Coaches and Committee Members assemble the teams, and teams are coached by St. Norbert School alumni or St. Norbert Parish members. Parents and younger siblings attend the games and make great cheerleaders. It is a great fun filled, family friendly event enjoyed by all.

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In March, our 8th grade students are Confirmed at a mass alongside Faith Formation Confirmands.  Sacramental preparation takes place during Religion classes throughout students’ 8th grade year. The 2025 Confirmation Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, March 12th @ 6:30 Mass. 

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Roundball Tournament
to Mar 16

Roundball Tournament

This basketball tournament features both a boy’s and a girl’s bracket of 4th - 8th graders. The Athletic Director, Coaches and Committee Members assemble the teams, and teams are coached by St. Norbert School alumni or St. Norbert Parish members. Parents and younger siblings attend the games and make great cheerleaders. It is a great fun filled, family friendly event enjoyed by all.

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Organized by the SNS Student Council, Variaday takes place on the last Friday of every month. Students are able to be out of uniform for a 50 cent* donation to SNS & Holy Cross Food Pantries.

*Students can donate 50 cents each Variaday, or a one time donation $5 to cover the whole year.

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Organized by the SNS Student Council, Variaday takes place on the last Friday of every month. Students are able to be out of uniform for a 50 cent* donation to SNS & Holy Cross Food Pantries.

*Students can donate 50 cents each Variaday, or a one time donation $5 to cover the whole year.

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Trivia Night

Trivia Night

Trivia Night is a fundraising event sponsored by St. Norbert School’s Home & School Association.  Held in April, participants can sign up as a “table group” or join small groups together to form new groups.  This fun event tests your knowledge, helps raise money for the school, and most importantly,  provides time to get to know the wonderful families in the St. Norbert community.

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First Communion

First Communion

In early May, our 2nd grade students make their First Holy Communion.  A special Mass is held to celebrate this sacrament. Sacramental preparation takes place during Religion classes throughout the year. First Communion will be held on May 3rd at 10am. 

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May Crowning

May Crowning

Takes place the Wednesday after First Communion. The 8th grade class leads in a ceremony to honor Mother Mary, one 8th grader is chosen to crown her statue. The 2nd graders act as honor guards as the 8th graders process in. A brunch for 8th graders and their parents follows in Grace Hall.

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Organized by the SNS Student Council, Variaday takes place on the last Friday of every month. Students are able to be out of uniform for a 50 cent* donation to SNS & Holy Cross Food Pantries.

*Students can donate 50 cents each Variaday, or a one time donation $5 to cover the whole year.

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8th Grade Graduation!

8th Grade Graduation!

8th grade graduation takes place on a Sunday, beginning with a special mass led by the eighth grade class. The graduation ceremony begins immediately after Mass. The 2025 Graduation ceremony will be held on Sunday, June 1st. 

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Back-To-School Night

Back-To-School Night

Back-to-School Night is for K - 8 families. Meet the Principal, the Pastor, and your child(ren)’s teachers.  Back-to-School Night will also provide you with an overview of curriculum, special events, and/or sacramental preparation at each grade level.

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Organized by the SNS Student Council, Variaday takes place on the last Friday of every month. Students are able to be out of uniform for a 50 cent* donation to SNS & Holy Cross Food Pantries.

*Students can donate 50 cents each Variaday, or a one time donation $5 to cover the whole year.

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Preschool Hello Visits

Preschool Hello Visits

Hello Visits are an opportunity for preschool parents and students to meet their child(ren)’s classroom teacher, tour classroom space, and learn about routines and procedures for the year ahead.  Sign-up is sent via e-mail to all preschool families mid-August.

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